In the "Roaring Twenties," the economy was driven by automotive advancement, telephone technologies, and electricity being brought into every home. In the "Roaring Nineties," computers, the internet, and cell phone technologies drove the economy. Wonder what the next eighty years will be driven by? Automotive technologies, lead by the Ikeler4000, telephone technologies that converge cell phones, computers, and the internet. And biomedical technologies that bring human health to a new standard of living where a hundred years becomes the average lifespan.
Want a peak at the future? The last seven years have produced the Ikeler4000 flying car technology. The next seven years will be spent bringing that technology to one percent of the market. The seven years after that will be spent achieving a ten percent market penetration. Forty two years from 2002, in 2044, all cars will be flying cars! Or at least 99 percent of them. It will be the greatest revolution in transportation since the invention of the internal combustion engine!
You might say, "Wait a minute, these flying cars aren't even in dealerships yet." Well they will be and Innovation S-Curves predict their arrival and can even tell you when half of all cars will be flying cars, in 2023. Still scratching your head? Well, keep scratching and then hold onto your hat! The future we have all dreamed of is just around the corner!
Dr. Doug Ikeler http://www.ikeler4000.com/ http://www.ikeleraerospace.blogspot.com/
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