Friday, August 28, 2009

$100 Free Ad Space Goes Viral

In marketing terms, it's called, "The Irresistible Offer." An offer so compelling that no one can turn it down. Such is the new Ikeler4000 $100 Free Ad Space offer! A free ad and millions of views to your web site. Yes, and I wish I could take up such an offer.
Monetized traffic is progressively funding the mission, and since the sales of fixed ad spaces is slower and more difficult, we thought we would spice up the process with a free offer. Today is the first day of the offer, so it will be fun to update you all as we follow it's progress. We are also moving the mission into schools to get students to write comments and have a chance to win a ride and flight in the Ikeler4000, as well as let them publish their web sites on the aircraft homepage.
Viral marketing is the new way to move a product and all it takes is word of mouth communication. Like the squirrel who made it into the couple's camping photo. Fun and free.
That's what it's all about!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Ultimate AdCar AdSpace

Even in the earliest conceptions of the Ikeler4000, I knew I wanted it to be an AdCar. I was fascinated by the number of visual impressions a typical AdCar receives in a month (750,000) and knew this should be a part of our advertising, sponsorship, and promotion of the aircraft. Unfortunately, I was paying a lot of money to "Marketing Experts" and they did not see the same benefit that I did from making the first Ikeler4000 an AdCar.
So much for high priced "expertise." They led me astray and cost me seven years of revenues this AdCar approach could have been bringing the Ikeler4000 since 2002. I went on and just used my own money to research and develop the vehicle. This new approach though, is so much more fun! Creating AdSpace on the vehicle and on it's associated web site is definitely the smart thing to do, as this new funding will get us to completion of the project! I am also getting good revenues from the monetization of the websites associated with the aircraft and my health related web sites. The plan is working and now we just need to step up the traffic.
AdCars are a form of art too. The best stand out as very memorable features of American culture. The classic Coke car still drives revenues to Coca Cola and it hasn't even driven in years. I read that Coke's success, other than the fact that it originally contained cocaine to give you that "lift" (buzz) when you drank it, was the fact that Coca Cola has spent seven percent of it's revenues each year on advertising during it's hundred year reign as the world's favorite soft drink. That's the power of advertising. Even Ben Franklin knew the secret when he said, "Early to Bed, Early to Rise, Work Hard, and Advertise." So true even today! Words to affiliate with The Ultimate AdCar AdSpace.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Mission Progress

We are continuing to enhance the user's experience of all the Ikeler4000 affiliated websites and monetize them too, in multiple levels. We have added and to the sites and this week we are adding and Our goal is to make the sites as fun and interesting as possible to all who come to visit them and join with us on this incredible mission.
Also take a moment to visit Yvonne Ashmore, our Ad Space Sales Manager's web site at Yvonne captures the true spirit of this adventure and has made great contacts for further corporate sponsorship. We look forward to her site growing as well. Yvonne has contacts with the media too and will take on the role of publicist as we move forward.
This week we have more experts coming on board as we enroll the help of Webolutions at to help us strategize and promote the aircraft's completion and record setting flight. The Internet has already been a great resource for funding the mission and with a larger scale effort we will complete it soon. Thank you all for your support and we feel the anticipation of bringing you greater things still!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

How I Reached One Million Page Views

How I reached one million page views is a story I look forward to writing soon. Our goal is a million visits to this web site and our other web sites as we continue the funding efforts to complete the Round The World Record Setting Flight. Yvonne Ashmore has taken the lead in contacting corporate sponsors as we look to sell more Ad Space on the vehicle and on the web site at See Yvonne's web site at Yvonne has already made connections with an impressive group of corporate sponsors and she is developing relationships with them to bring them into our sponsor group.
We are also adding new features to the web sites to constantly enhance the user's experience and bring updates and interesting topics to our readers. One million page views is not that hard to do. As the word gets out, the traffic will increase exponentially. Those are the days we look forward to soon.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Scalability Is Our Key To Success

Scalability of an aircraft is often times it's key to commercial success. The technology of the Ikeler4000 is such that from the first four passenger model, we can immediately follow with an eight passenger model, the Ikeler8000. From there even bus sized models, the I80, will be created because of the compactness of the wing retraction mechanism. During our initial test marketing, we were contacted by a representative from FedEx who wanted to know more about our aircraft and the uses it could employ. We told them of the scalability of our aircraft too and FedEx saw these vehicles as the next generation of their delivery trucks.
Other attempts at creating flying cars have lacked scalability, and most have been just two passenger disassembling roadable aircraft. Two passenger vehicles have a very small market and if that, combined with having to take the aircraft apart and put it back together again is all you're getting, the vehicle will not likely succeed. The best example of this is Molt Taylor's aircar that trailered it's wings and tail behind it after your spent quite a bit of time with your team taking them off. Also, utility is essential. If a vehicle can only carry two people, the family can't go and neither can your golf clubs. Not much fun there.
We also had inquiries from car dealerships around the country and in Canada wanting to be the first dealers of this new type of automobile. Corporate offers came in from Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and Porsche Motor Cars to purchase, license, or co-develop the technology into all of it's uses. The corporations wanted to much ownership though, as we would only consider alliances for developing and licensing of the aircraft. The Department of Defense has also met with us twice to consider advanced military versions of the aircraft being developed. They think extremely far ahead and were looking to create a self-flying version of it that could even be remotely operated. All doors are open as we move forward to bring this incredible new capability for travel to everyone.
Dr. Doug Ikeler

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Million Click Contest goes Global

We will also be creating a writing contest for school age children as the feedback so far indicates this will create a viral marketing response for the million click contest. What kid wouldn't want a ride in a flying car and $4000 to spend? The contest will remain open for everyone, and we hope the children bring their parents into the fun. We are looking for international participants as well, as promotional opportunities can be made around the world during the record setting flight.
Share this message with your friends and their children and the contest rules can be found in the July 27th posting on this page.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Many Thanks To Those Who Went Before Me

Flying Cars have gotten a bad rap for as long as people have been trying to build them. I want to take a minute today to thank all the people who have gone before me and created this opportunity. The popular flying car design is one of vertical takeoff and landing. The commuter's dream of being able to rise straight up out of traffic and then speed through the air to their desired destination. This flight characteristic will not be available on any flying car for a long time to come, if ever. The defect in that design is what is called "Miracle upon Miracle Technologies" which rely on some miraculous technological breakthrough that can create another miraculous technological breakthrough to make your buggy fly. And hovering cars with VTOL capabilities are just that, a miracle upon a miracle. That's why we don't have any of them yet. Hover technologies are also incredibly unstable. Just take a look at a Harrier Jet. They crash more than any other type of jet and only succeed because most of the time they fly in conventional jet mode.
The real breakthrough is in succeeding within the current order. A systems thinking type of approach that uses known and proven flight technologies, like wings, flaps, and rudders, but allows for a simple, elegant and beautiful design that brings the flying car technology forward. Thus is the thesis of the Ikeler4000. A clever wing retraction mechanism combined with compact control surfaces that all stylishly fit into a six foot wide by eighteen foot long package.
It also drives like a regular car and flies like a regular airplane. No miracles, just sound and proven aviation technology. That's why it will bring forth the age of flying cars we have all been dreaming of. Thank you though to the many who have tried before me but left the door open for a real breakthrough in this technology.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Million Click Mission at 27,294

August 1st, 2009, after only two weeks, we are now at 27,294 visits to this web site and growing strong. Tell your friends to enter the Ikeler4000 Flying Car Ride Contest too, as we are giving away a Free Ride in the Ikeler4000 during it's Round the World Record Setting Flight. Along with the ride, the winner with the best comment gets a $4000 cash prize and the opportunity to sign their name on the first Ikeler4000 Record Setting Flight aircraft. See Comments Section on right sidebar to enter.

I want to thank too the tremendous network of support we have received from people who share the same enthusiasm that we do for this historic and record setting event. The world will be a better place as this new technology redefines the way we think of travel.  - Make Money From Your Exit Traffic!