How I reached one million page views is a story I look forward to writing soon. Our goal is a million visits to this web site and our other web sites as we continue the funding efforts to complete the Round The World Record Setting Flight. Yvonne Ashmore has taken the lead in contacting corporate sponsors as we look to sell more Ad Space on the vehicle and on the web site at
http://www.ikeler4000.com/ See Yvonne's web site at
http://www.newsworthylive.blogspot.com/ Yvonne has already made connections with an impressive group of corporate sponsors and she is developing relationships with them to bring them into our sponsor group.
We are also adding new features to the web sites to constantly enhance the user's experience and bring updates and interesting topics to our readers. One million page views is not that hard to do. As the word gets out, the traffic will increase exponentially. Those are the days we look forward to soon.
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